Wondering how to register for the exhibition?
It's actually not a stupid question at all, because it can surprise many, and especially newcomers to the world of cynology can be surprised by the amount of administration that revolves around dog events. Since we already know what kinds of exhibitions there are and what we can get for awards at the exhibitions, the question comes to mind: "What about the registration?".
Exhibitions in the vast majority of cases have the organizer's website, and the organizer publishes so-called propositions on them, in which you will find out:
- how the exhibition will run
- what are his conditions
- what judges will be judging you, which can be crucial when strategically acquiring titles, as everyone likes something different,
- and lastly the timetable.
You will find out information about the venue, whether it is possible and where to park, what fees you have to pay for the exhibition,... Each exhibition then has 2 so-called deadlines = 2 dates by which you must report the exhibition. These dates differ in price, where the earlier you sign up, the lower the fee. It usually happens that the bigger the exhibition, the earlier before the exhibition the closings take place. This can be a difficult situation from the point of view of planning a personal schedule, but also for female owners due to heat.
If you are selected, it is time to fill out the application. Since we are based on the assumption that you breed under the FCI organization, in the Czech Republic under the ČMKU (note that there are also other cynological organizations, but with a small representation and if you are a member of them, you will not be admitted to ČMKU events, see the article "Cynological structures and organizations" for more information) , you will access through the dogoffice.cz system.