Specifics of the "race special" Leif's track
Those interested from the ranks of first-time owners of hot dogs as well as seasoned breeders can choose between several disciplines. Everyone can easily find the right difficulty according to their strength and determination and test their limits. Competitors have a choice of disciplines:
- during (Canicross)
- bike (Bikejöring)
- scooter

However, the race is characterized by one more specific feature. To make it not so boring for the so-called "racers", you weave your way through singletrail tracks during the race, in sections of varying lengths. Professional athletes will not experience something like this in official competitions. The uniqueness of the track lies precisely in its difficulty. Mainly for riders. Runners somehow zigzag it, but they must not snap and of course they have a problem especially with overtaking slower riders. The emphasis is thus placed on politeness and "track wisdom", when one must not drive where one cannot see, or when there is a risk of collision due to insufficient space.

The race track through the eyes of a Scooter category rider
And what did the track look like through the rider's eyes? Baileys Brdský Express and I prepared intensively for this year's edition. Even more so this year. We knew the track. But it has changed for this year. That was the challenge. What we just ran last year, this year we rode a scooter by controlling fate. Tomáš Voříšek's words ring in my ears again. "Priceless valuable experience!". We are approaching the track and are waiting to see what the track will surprise us with.
As we approach the starting line, we are greeted by the barking of dogs waiting on their leashes. Adrenaline rises. Helmet, goggles, gloves. The last check of the harness, feelers at the scooter and its attachment to our "doxtorka". Everything fits. "30 seconds to start". The starting judge announces. Shortly after that comes the comforting look of Romča Kubová, who monitors the starting times, that it will be OK. I scratch Baileys behind my ears for luck and we come to the line. "Baha, maybe you'll meet Fife in the opposite direction". What? It flashed in the blink of an eye. But soon only the classic sequence sounds. “4, 3, 2, 1, … Mush GO!” and everything remains far behind. To my surprise, we shot up the hill more than expected. Baileys makes a great tackle and makes his way forward. We are cutting the first meters of the race track.
After climbing the introductory sections, we are greeted by zigzags between stony sections of the singletrail. It is here. Concentrate and look just ahead of the wheel. I say to myself. But Baileys confidently finds a way on the narrow path, and the only obstacle for us is the scraping of the scooter's undercarriage on every second hump, which we painstakingly overcome at a racing pace. Loop, left, right, watch out for the root. Everything is well sprayed and you only have time to look right in front of the wheel. In some places, the track only offers a narrow riverbed that has been ridden just for cyclists. A dangerously protruding blueberry twig can easily hide in it.
We managed to overcome the track excellently and at a surprisingly good pace, even though it was a test of determination, brakes, skill and coordination of rider and dog. We descended laboriously and through a dangerous chicane onto another straight line interlaced with curves and cutting through spruce trees, but suddenly we hear the urging of a dog. "Is someone catching up with us? We have a fast pace, it's weird”. The clarifying glasses worked. I can already see it, someone is flying towards us. "What now? There is nowhere to turn, there are trees on all sides and we are driving through a trough between blueberry trees". Although at speed, we jumped off the track and narrowly escaped a major collision. With both riders at full speed, it would have turned ugly. Unfortunately, Baileys and I clicked right off the track during an evasive maneuver. An unpleasant moment in the monster of the spruce thicket. We knocked, disentangled ourselves, gathered our strength and drove on at a more leisurely pace. That happens too. The track was really difficult and we rushed into its second part.

In the end, we somehow finished the race track. In some places we were glad for the glasses, in other places for the gloves and for quickly dodging an unexpected obstacle. We started it on every wider trail and finally made it successfully. Honza was already waiting for us at the finish line, when we talked about the collision. After the race, we all discussed the experience from the track and exchanged impressions and ideas for next year, how to move the entire race forward again.
Although Leif's trail is not an official league race. But that does not detract from its importance, especially for the owners of Czech stoves. I personally see it as a very good opportunity for all those who are just starting out with racing or are at least thinking about it and don't want to immediately go to events of a larger scale. The tracks will test both the possibilities of newcomers and the experience of professionals. Although we ride with Baileys with official registration within the Czech Sleddog Sports Association, here you will experience what is very difficult elsewhere. The track definitely has a lot to offer and should not be underestimated. Good equipment, mood and determination must not be missing at the start of any competitor. Maybe even a little courage on some sections. 😊. Even the well-deserved reward will come. These are rewards from sponsors in the form of vouchers, something good for the tooth and medals for the competitors and their dogs, in rightfully won races and conquered tracks.