Dogs are born with two sets of teeth. The first are milk teeth, just like humans. They will gradually be replaced by permanent teeth. Tooth replacement takes place from approximately the 3rd month and is completed around the 8th month of life.
Milk teeth consist of 28 teeth
The permanent dentition consists of 42 teeth

Did you know that the age of an animal can be estimated based on the cut of the teeth?
4 - 6 weeks - deciduous incisors are cut
5 - 6 weeks - milk molars erupt - the first premolar grows only as a permanent tooth
3 - 5 months - permanent incisors appear
4 - 5 months - the first molars appear
5 - 6 months - permanent second to fourth molars and second molars appear
5 - 7 months - permanent canines appear
6 - 7 months - third molars appear, at this age we often find double canines, i.e. milky and permanent side by side
Bite types
Scissor bite

A scissor bite is required for most breeds. This means that the incisors of the lower jaw fit just behind the incisors in the upper jaw.
Pincer bite

If the incisors in the upper and lower jaw fit directly onto each other, it is a pincer bite. With this position of the teeth, their wear occurs quickly.

By overbite we mean the condition when the lower jaw is longer than the upper.

An underbite is the opposite of an overbite (the upper jaw is longer than the lower).
Full bite vs underbite of Czech mountain dogs
One of the parameters where breeders of sports and exterior lines will probably differ is the number of missing teeth. It can be said that your dog is not running on his teeth, but at the same time it is good to keep in mind that missing teeth occasionally occur in Czech mountain dogs and are a certain degenerative change that must be monitored. As of 17/01/2024, a state in which the dog is missing more than 3 teeth is defined as pronounced malocclusion in Czech mountain dogs, and in such a case it is a defect excluding from breeding.